About Us > Our Team > Jack Tyler Stott Lawyer

Jack Tyler Stott

Mr. Jack Tyler-Stott became a prosecutor with the NSW Police Force in 2006 which he continued for seven years before being called to the Bar. His major area of practice is criminal law but also practices in other areas of law as follows:

Areas of Practice

  • Criminal
  • Children’s Court
  • Care & Protection
  • Traffic Law
  • White collar crime
  • Commissions of inquiry
  • Coronial inquests and inquiries
  • Tribunal matters
  • Proceeds of crime and confiscation of assets hearings
  • Personal injury
  • Motor vehicle

Barristers We Instruct

Sherleen Chand

Principal Lawyer

Meredith Phelps
Meredith Phelps

(Barrister We Instruct)

Wali Shukoor

(Barrister We Instruct)